Unlock the mystery of the Puzzle Box!
Dr. Mary B. Wilder has traveled back in time and space and left clues for The Puzzle Kids to find her. Is she on the moon with Buzz Aldrin or watching the Egyptians build the pyramids? The Puzzle Kids will need to use their skills in Math, Science, History and Language to solve the mystery!
With a desire to make learning fun, Dr. Mary B. Wilder created The Puzzle Box as a magical machine that can travel the universe. To activate its power, the Puzzle Kids must work together to solve four unique puzzles that contain clues as to where they are going next!

The goal of Puzzle Box is to offer kids a Clear Path to Play. Kids and parents can activate the on screen QR CODE at anytime that will link directly to a family friendly website offering each episode’s unique puzzles and allowing the viewer to become the 5th member of The Puzzle Kids!

Struggling cartoonist Mr. Gray is about to give up on his dream when a magical creature appears and introduces him to a world of pure imagination that changes his life forever.
Through the magical power of the polka-dot portal, Mr. Gray can literally travel between the real world and the world of his own imagination.
Mr. Gray’s real world consists of an apartment building filled with multi-ethnic, multi-gender, diverse neighbors, while the world of his imagination is filled with zany mash-up creatures such as the Ostrichpotamus (Ostrich/Hippopotamus) and the Racctopus (Raccoon/Octopus) who roam along side thousands of happee-go-lucky characters in a town appropriately named, HappeeVille.
Taking a page from the comic strips Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes who relied on philosophical ideas to teach valuable life lessons, The Mr. Gray Show! leans into those same tools to share child friendly ideas on mental health, selflessness and compassion for all.

Sophie, a curious four-year-old puppy, teaches viewers about language, numbers, colors and shapes as she explores her multi-cultural neighborhood, La Casa Grande. With the help of her diverse friends, Sophie will learn through experience the value found within every culture of the world.
Sophie lives in a large town house / apartment complex with her best friend Dakota, another puppy from around the neighborhood. With the help and support of Dakota, Sophie is finally able to overcome her fear of exploring and learning more about the world around her.

As Sophie and Dakota embark on adventures, they quickly learn they will need to ask for help doing tasks from their friendly neighbors. The neighbors in La Casa Grande are from all over the world: Germany, France, Mexico, Japan, Iceland, Native American and Indigenous people from Canada and Australia and many more. All walks of life are represented in Sophie’s World as we normalize multi-cultural living and learning.

Born into an extremely wealthy family (the richest in the world), Charlie’s life seems picture perfect, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. His only friend is a robot butler; his only brother is a genius level monkey and his parents spend more time traveling the world than raising Charlie at home.
Looking to break the monotony, Charlie sneaks into his father’s forbidden attic where he comes across a mysterious pair of gold shimmery pants. While mocking his father, Charlie accidentally activates a secret power by jokingly rubbing his butt.
Like the rub of a genie's lamp, these pants call forth 7 magical fairies to grant the wearer what ever their heart desires. Only this time, things have gone horribly wrong. Rather than getting the “Good Fairies,” Charlie is sent a team of half-wit underdog fairies who make his life even harder than before.